DSC 531 Practicum In Data-Eanabled Research Into Human Behavior And Its Cognitive & Neural Mechanisms

Spring 2016

In this interdisciplinary project course, graduate students will work in mixed teams to develop an artifact that addresses a research question and/or infrastructure need in the intersection of cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Students will learn principles of design by participating in the stages of brainstorming, specification, initial design, prototyping, refinement, and evaluation. The artifacts created by this course could include online showcases, demonstrations, tutorials, blogs, scientific papers, and software components to support further research. The course is required for students supported by the BCS/CS NRT graduate training grant, and should be taken the semester after the corresponding methods course.

Monday/Wednesday 10:25-11:40am Meloria 269

Instructor: Henry Kautz M <henry.kautz@gmail.com>



13 Jan 2016

Being (qualities)
Having (things)
Doing (actions)
Interacting (settings)
physical and mental health
food, shelter, work
feed, clothe, rest, work
living environment, social setting
care, adaptability, autonomy
social security, health systems, work
co-operate, plan, take care of, help
social environment, dwelling
respect, sense of humour, generosity, sensuality
friendships, family, relationships with nature
share, take care of, make love, express emotions
privacy, intimate spaces of togetherness
critical capacity, curiosity, intuition
literature, teachers, policies, educational
analyse, study, meditate, investigate,
schools, families, universities, communities,
receptiveness, dedication, sense of humour
responsibilities, duties, work, rights
cooperate, dissent, express opinions
associations, parties, churches, neighbourhoods
imagination, tranquillity, spontaneity
games, parties, peace of mind
day-dream, remember, relax, have fun
landscapes, intimate spaces, places to be alone
imagination, boldness, inventiveness, curiosity
abilities, skills, work, techniques
invent, build, design, work, compose, interpret
spaces for expression, workshops, audiences
sense of belonging, self-esteem, consistency
language, religions, work, customs, values, norms
get to know oneself, grow, commit oneself
places one belongs to, everyday settings
autonomy, passion, self-esteem, open-mindedness
equal rights
dissent, choose, run risks, develop awareness